How can We help
TVS SCS takes pride in deploying a brilliant synchronisation model, collaborating vendors with vehicle suppliers and transporters by utilising perfect, systematic communication between all levels of the supply chain, ensuring error-free delivery.
This vendor coordination application allows live tracking of vehicles and asset utilisation, gives the transporters the visibility on driver’s past and current performance. The system has the ability to integrate machine learning to source the best vendors and vehicle for long term profitability. It also ensures better visibility to control daily profits.
- Efficient - Need Load for vehicle suppliers to request for load from a location to a desired destination.
- Responsive - New Load for vehicle suppliers to respond to loads and participate in bids for loads.
- Flexible - Gives options to schedule, look at active/past trips, record documents and POD.
- Transparent - Brings in visibility on past and current payments.
- Control - Allows the vehicle suppliers to manage their vendors.
- Automated - System sends triggers and alerts to the vehicle owners / transporters on upcoming or pending vehicle maintenance, insurance and other important notifications.
Adding Value to the customer
- Improves customer relationship management options.
- Competitive rates in the market for each trip and enable advance payments.
- Enhanced Vehicle Tracking – Allows the vehicle suppliers to create and manage their own trips.
- Reduced cost of operations and facilitates escalation and decision making
Years Of Excellence In Trading And Technology
Pivotal Supply Chain Solutions To Top Companies In The World
Warehouse Space, Labour & Technology Anywhere It’s Needed
Customised Solutions With AI Integrations And Machine Learning