We value every single one of our employees at TVS SCS. Our commitment to the well being, support and development of our employees can be seen through a multitude of initiatives including but not limited to:
- Diversity & Women Empowerment – With a vision to improve the gender diversity ratio in its projects, TVS SCS has tied up with multiple global foundations such as the Ashwini Seetha Foundation to provide financial empowerment to women from low-income households. This initiative began its journey in May 2015, and since then, hundreds of women have been employed and trained across several modules, which will enhance their skill set.
- Driver Training School – TVS SCS provides exclusive training on forklift driving for its employees. Every month, an average of 100-120 employees undergo this training.
- Skills Advancements – TVS SCS has collaborated with Pan IIT, an NGO, which identifies young and unemployed people from remote villages. Every month, an average of 360 employees undergo skill training.
- Health & Safety – TVS SCS has completed the transition of its management system to ISO45001 Occupational Health and Safety certification. This demonstrates our continued commitment to the ongoing health and safety of all parties creating a safer working environment for our employees.
TVS SCS has supported a number of local charities based near our locations around the globe. Where we can, we give back to local communities to help stimulate local economies and support good causes making changes for the greater good. Some examples of our support to charities:
- The SSAFA Race Day – TVS SCS in the UK sponsors this event on a yearly basis which raises a substantial amount of money for the Soldiers Sailors Airmen Families Association which helps support the well being of returning soldiers.
- Local Charity Support – TVS SCS often contributes to a number of local charities to help support the work they are doing. This includes sponsorship events, donations and appeals.
- Disaster Relief Support – TVS SCS has always been at the forefront to extend its helping arm during any natural calamities. During the Kerala (South Indian State) floods in 2018, TVS SCS had formed a team to provide relief materials in the flood-hit areas to support residents. TVS SCS and its employees contributed monetarily and provided logistics assistance to the Local Government to help them bring back the normality.
The environment is one of the most critical issues our world is currently facing.
TVS SCS is always working on innovative ways to reduce our carbon footprint across the globe, a number of initiatives have been launched to help work towards becoming a more sustainable organisation. Our initiatives include:
- Working towards being carbon neutral by 2025.
- Packaging Solutions – Exploring alternate sources for packaging to minimise waste.
- Sustainable solutions – Provide a number of solutions that support environmentally friendly practise.
- Ethical Procurement – Engaging with partners to reduce carbon through the supply chain as well as constantly developing a sustainable network of suppliers.
- Investment in new technologies which will help support the reduction of our carbon footprint.