Reporting for Duty
TVS’ initiative to train both our staff and clients on our reporting system is proving a huge success.
Msys-BDA provides a full suite of analytic tools across the business. The implementation of the BDA tool is driving a change to how TVS and their Clients view data. It is now seen as the key to understanding what is happening within their business and therefore, these skills are relevant to many more people within the organisation. Simple reporting is now being replaced by customised dashboards created, to help identify and question trends. In turn, this encourages the drive for continuous improvement throughout the business.
The focus for the coming year is to take our clients on the same journey that our internal users have been on. Our clients already recognise the importance of having their data available. By showing them the capabilities of the new tool they are starting to generate ideas of how they wish to visualise their data, the possibilities of AI, and the limitless data sources that BDA can now accommodate.
TVS’s commitment to the development of people across the whole business is evident in the 172 people that have received training thus far. Over half have completed the level two course and 35% of the people that have initiated the training have gone through to achieve the top level of training. The scope of this is to expand the practice further up to a higher and more complex standard and have every employee of TVS trained to the maximum level. The development of training is an essential goal of TVS as we encourage our employees to expand their knowledge and skillsets regardless of their role. One of the internal trainers for the BDA system, Jan Vermeer says;
“Enriching the data analytical skills, across the whole company, shows the commitment that we, as TVS, have made towards our people. It is what will enable us to service our clients even better”.

A celebration event took place with mince pies to celebrate the success of everybody who has completed the training so far, as well as encouraging those who haven’t to get involved and learn a new skill.
POSTED ON December 5, 2019